The Society of Young Filipino Speakers (YFS) rolled out its first training for members to hone their skills in motivational speaking. On October 10, the first batch of participants attended the Self-Discovery workshop, which aims to help the members to discover and uncover their personal stories, experiences and life lessons that can be used to inspire and motivate others.
The half-day workshop was facilitated by one of YFS mentors, Ada Cuaresma, who handled the first half of the workshop. She led the participants through a series of writing activities where they would write their life experiences and the lessons they learned from those experiences. After some time for self-reflection and writing, the participants took turns to share what they have written during the activity.
Some of the self-reflecting activities included writing what they have learned about leadership, money, happiness and other aspects of life, lessons learned from first-time experiences, and writing thank-you letters to people who have impacted their life in a positive and negative way.
After a short break, YFS founder Pocholo “The VoiceMaster” Gonzales inspired and motivated the participants on discovering their life purpose, and how they can use their passion and skill to be of service to others. He encouraged them to think of public speaking or motivational speaking as a way to make other people better and happy, and not just as a way to push their own beliefs or interests on others. He challenged their thinking to go beyond the norms of the society, and to believe that they are the creator of their own reality. The participants were left the workshop with a whole new perspective on faith and life.
The Society of Young Filipino Speakers was founded by the VoiceMaster to hone young people to become motivational speakers for their fellow youth.
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