Pochology Academy was invited to conduct a whole-day Team Effectiveness and Leadership Workshop on the first day of the event. The goal of the workshop is to teach and instill leadership principles to SLDCC’s employees, which they can apply to their day-to-day functions in the workplace.
The program started with a powerful motivational talk from Pocholo “The VoiceMaster” Gonzales, Founder of Pochology Academy. Pocholo set the energy high during his talk, entertaining the audience with his witty stories, hugot lines, and repertoire of character voices. He shared the story of his journey as the VoiceMaster, from starting with a small dream to becoming an instrument to enable others to pursue theirs. He also told of his struggles and challenges that fueled him to live a life of passion and purpose. At the end of his talk, he encouraged the audience to create meaning in their work. His unforgettable piece of advice: “love your job, and your job will love you back.”
Pocholo’s inspiring talk was followed by the workshop proper, which was facilitated by one of Pochology Academy trainers, Ada Cuaresma. The workshop started with a discussion on trust, which Ada identified as the “heart of leadership.” The participants were divided into groups, who took turns to role-play scenarios of low trust in the workplace.
After lunch, Pocholo came back onstage to share more principles on leadership. He talked about vision, passion and influence as the keys to being the kind of leader that people would want to follow. After his talk, Ada facilitated a workshop on communication, the most crucial skill for a leader to learn and develop. The workshop tackled 3 important aspects of communication, especially for leaders in the workplace: listening, giving encouragement and handling conflict. The workshop closed with an action planning session, where the participants were asked to write down concrete, actionable steps to apply what ther learned when they go back to the workplace.
The day capped off with a double-celebration for SLDCC – the company’s 25th anniversary and the birthday of their President, Ms. Anita Uy – which Ada and Pocholo also hosted.
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